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Pregnancy week 21
Though the baby now weighs around 400gms, your little darling still has plenty of room in your belly. And likes to use it when not asleep!
3 mins to read

Maternal nutrition during pregnancy can influence baby’s lifelong health
The right nutrition before and during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of an infant achieving a normal weight at birth, and later in life.
1 min to read

Is today the day? Birth Plans & Labour Signs
Here’s an outline that starts with your third trimester, and takes you right through to your upcoming labour. You’ll start by seeing your doctor or midwife every other week.
4 mins to read

Allergies in Babies Due To Intolerance - Points to Consider
Baby allergies and intolerances can develop at any time. Here are some tips for spotting signs of allergies in babies with signs of intolerance, as well as other things to consider.
3 mins to read

Picky eaters: Helping kids overcome fear of new foods
Many children are afraid of new foods, preferring to eat foods they are used to
1 min to read

What is the obsession with giving unsolicited parenting advice?
No sooner than you’ve announced your pregnancy, the unsolicited parenting advice comes flooding in.

Lonely parents: How can you feel alone with a baby in your arms?
You never get a minute to yourself, yet you’ve never felt lonelier? Yes, that’s the paradox of lonely parents.
4 mins to read

Making Safe Food Choices for Your Baby
By now you've noticed that everything seems to make its way into your little one’s mouth. Once he’s able to grasp small objects, eating those little goodies is exactly what he'll try to do
5 mins to read

Breastfeeding Guide: Before, During & After Birth
Practical action steps to take before, during, and after birth
5 mins to read

Baby's first year: Higher nutritional needs than adults
Babies have small tummies, but big nutritional needs because their bodies are rapidly growing in the first years of life.
1 min to read

Make every bite count for baby’s healthy growth and development
Starting your little on solid foods is quite a milestone! Since his tummy is so small, and breastmilk is the main source of his nutrition, at 6 months of age he will only be taking small tast
4 mins to read

Mom shaming online: what parents need to know about social shaming
With social media providing a window into our lives for all to see, parent shaming online—or more commonly mom shaming—is something we need to all be aware of.
4 mins to read

Family meals shape children's diet
As children become more independent eaters and are aware of what others are eating, be a good role model at the family table so your child can learn from you about healthy food choices and establis
1 min to read

Choosing Your Pregnancy & Childbirth Team
You might think it’s too early to start planning for the big day, but it’s never too early to start thinking about what kind of birthing experience will be the ideal one for you
4 mins to read

Trimester 1
The first trimester of your pregnancy – the first 12 weeks – can be an exciting time. This tiny little being is growing inside you. You probably have lots of questions.
1 min to read

Colic Symptoms & Relief
Infantile colic is characterized by intense, uncontrolled crying or fussing in an otherwise healthy and well-fed baby. Click here to know the symptoms and relief.
2 mins to read

Pregnancy Week 3
You’re at the very beginning of the journey. You can’t see anything yet, but that doesn’t mean there’s isn’t a whole lot going on.
2 mins to read

Pregnancy Week 18
Lots of leaps and bounds happening in week 18, from nerve cells multiplying to the beginnings of fingerprints.
3 mins to read

Week 23
Your baby is now 29cm long from head to toe and weighs considerably over 550g. You have got around 16 more weeks to go!
3 mins to read

Pregnancy week 24
Can you feel the baby reacting to noises and your caresses yet? Towards the end of the second trimester is when that starts to happen, so be on the lookout.
3 mins to read

Early Pregnancy: Healthy diet & Lifestyle
You’re expecting-what an exciting time! As this amazing journey begins, you need to pay special attention to your diet, lifestyle and more. Here’s a checklist you may consider.
3 mins to read

What to eat and avoid during pregnancy
You want to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. You know it has benefits for both you and the baby growing in your belly. So how can you pick out which foods to eat during pregnancy?
7 mins to read

Your weight curve at hand!
There are many things you can do to prepare for the delivery of a healthy baby.
1 min to read

Pregnancy Exercising: The Basics
Hooray for exercise! That’s right, it’s not off limits just because you’re pregnant, you just have to be very careful and make sure you talk to your doctor before you start.
3 mins to read