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6 to 12 months

PLAYING: The way young children are fed may be as important as the food offered

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The way young children are fed may be as important as the food offered

Infants and young toddlers can naturally regulate their energy intake. The way they are fed is an important experience that can influence their intake and food choices later in life.

1 min to read Nov 4, 2016

Infants and young toddlers can naturally regulate their energy intake. The way they are fed is an important experience that can influence their intake and food choices later in life. 

Infants should be encouraged and reassured when trying new foods, but not overly pressured to eat them. Allowing young children to respond to their internal cues of hunger and fullness may help them establish healthy eating habits right from the start. 

You can read more on your 10 – 12 months old baby development 

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