Trimester 2
Week by week

Pregnancy week 13
The start of your second trimester is the start of lots of new development milestones for your baby.
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Pregnancy week 14
Your baby is about the size of a grapefruit! Have you felt her move or kick yet? If not, you should be able to in the next weeks!
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Pregnancy week 15
Though your baby is planted deep inside you, this is the week where everything gets set up for his sense of smell.
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Pregnancy week 16
If you could see inside yourself and watch your growing baby, you would see him sucking his thumb!
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Pregnancy week 17
Your little one now weighs around 150g and is looking more and more like a “real” baby every day.
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Pregnancy Week 18
Lots of leaps and bounds happening in week 18, from nerve cells multiplying to the beginnings of fingerprints.
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Pregnancy week 19
Your little lodger weighs around 335g now – weigh a grapefruit in your hand and that’s about how heavy she is.
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Pregnancy week 20
Il se passe tellement de choses dans votre ventre cette semaine que vous voudriez peut-être faire une petite sieste après avoir lu à ce sujet !
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Pregnancy week 21
Though the baby now weighs around 400gms, your little darling still has plenty of room in your belly. And likes to use it when not asleep!
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Pregnancy week 22
If you could look inside, you’d see your baby sucking her thumb, her sucking reflex practically perfected now. It’s nature’s way of getting her to breastfeed from birth.
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Week 23
Your baby is now 29cm long from head to toe and weighs considerably over 550g. You have got around 16 more weeks to go!
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Pregnancy week 24
Can you feel the baby reacting to noises and your caresses yet? Towards the end of the second trimester is when that starts to happen, so be on the lookout.
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Pregnancy Week 25
Two more weeks left of the second trimester. You are gearing up for the home stretch. Your baby’s sense of touch is starting to blossom.
3 mins to read

Pregnancy week 26
A little ta-da moment for the final week of your second trimester – your baby will open her eyes for the first time around now!
3 mins to read